Editor’s Foreword
Shannon Connor Winward
I. Adjective
allowing access, passage, or a view
through an empty space
II. Verb
to unfold or be unfolded; spread out
to part the covers or display the contents
(as in a book or file) to be read
Your Story
Kathy Berger
Written by Doobie
Chris Kuriata
Poster Man (Visual Art)
E.E. King
Judith Shapiro
Sex Scene Example
Bennett Durkan
IV. Mathematics
(of a set) not containing any of its
limit points
The Friend (Visual Art)
Maheshwar N. Sinha
Facing a “Three to Five Poems” Quandary, I Turn to Sara Bareilles
Colette Parris
Writing What You Know
Alice Whittenburg
Stock images used in this issue:
“background” by Jplenio
“lost places” by Tama66
“Estrada de Ferro” by 4144132
“dog” by Sabrinasfotos
“cage” by zzmart
“child” by pixundfertig
“Sydney” by Schommartz
2022 Ars Poetica Prize
Winning Poems & Finalists
About the Judge & First Readers
III. Noun
a competition with no restrictions;
unobstructed space; an exposed location
Before the Poem Arrives (Visual Art)
Désirée Jung
Waiting for a Poem
Mary C. Rowin
Feby Joseph
For Therapy, I Mix Metaphors
D.R. James
Janet M. Powers
Cow Crashes Through Roof,
Kills Sleeping Man
David P. Miller
When the Stories Stop Being Fiction
Kelley J. P. Lindberg
Lavina Blossom
The Case Against Poetry
Jim Murdoch
Submit, Submit
Lavina Blossom
V. Adjective
(of a store, place of entertainment, etc.)
officially admitting customers or visitors;
available for business.